*Codes of Conduct and Ethics*
*Adopted January 1 2009*
These are adopted from the Reiki Council Codes of Ethics and Practice copyright Reiki Council 2008
This Code is intended for guidance and assistance to Professional Reiki Practitioners and to protect the interests of the public. It describes the standards of conduct and practice recommended by the Reiki Council. See
The purpose of this Code and its procedures is to ensure that any complaint made to a regulator is dealt with in a fair, clear and impartial manner.
A practitioner will agree to operate in accordance with the agreed Code of Ethics and Practice for Reiki and are expected to maintain high standards of care, competence and conduct.
This Code forms the basis upon which the conduct of any practitioner will be assessed in the event of a complaint, although it cannot cover every eventuality. Any concern raised to a regulator is to be dealt with in a fair, clear and impartial manner.
It is the responsibility of every practitioner to understand the content of this Code and to keep up to date with current legislation and local byelaws. Copies of this document are available on request and in English only. This Code is superseded by current legislation and byelaws.
*Section 1*
Every practitioner shall:
- Give Reiki to his or her clients with respect for their dignity, individual needs and values without discrimination.
- Be without judgement concerning race, colour, creed, gender or sexual orientation.
- Provide comprehensive and easy-to-understand information to allow clients to make informed choices.
- Respect the client’s right to choose his or her own forms and path of healing.
- Act honestly and maintain professional integrity.
- Practise only within the boundaries of the Reiki practitioner's competence/qualifications.
- Acknowledge and respect all practitioners and disciplines.
- Work to foster and maintain the trust of clients and the general public.
- Keep all client information confidential unless required by law to do otherwise.
- Comply with the Continuing Professional Development requirements of the Reiki Council/specific regulators
- Respond promptly and constructively to concerns, criticisms and complaints.
- Comply with relevant legislation.
*Section 2*
*2.1. Clarity of Contract*
Every practitioner shall:
- Display or make available relevant certificates or other qualifications.
- Ensure that the client is always able to make informed choices with regard to their healthcare.
- Give full and clear information either verbally or in writing about their services when commencing the Reiki treatment. This will include information about the nature of the treatment, charges and confidentiality. Any revisions shall be agreed in advance of any change.
- Act with equal consideration whether being paid or in a voluntary capacity.
- Reach an agreement with the client at the outset of the treatment if any additional therapy/therapies are to be used in conjunction with Reiki.
- Retain the right to refuse or postpone the Reiki treatment, provided that the practitioner makes the reason clear to the client:
i. if the registrant is not able to treat for any reason,
ii. if the client is under the influence of alcohol or mind-altering substances,
iii. if the client behaves in any way which may lead the practitioner to feel physically unsafe, disrespected, or abused.
iv. In the case of late attendance of the client.
*2.2. Informed Consent*
The practitioner shall:
- Ensure that voluntary and explicit informed consent has been given at all times.
- Recognise the client's right to refuse any part of the treatment or disregard advice.
- In the case of giving Reiki to a minor and those without the mental capacity to decide for themselves, written informed consent of a parent, guardian or relevant medical practitioner is required. If no appropriate adult is physically present, then the written consent should specifically agree to this. However, the wishes of the person must override any consent or third party if they do not wish to receive Reiki.
- Only use film, tape recording or digital imagery of a client with that client's clear, informed, written consent to the precise use of the material.
*2.3. Confidentiality and Record Keeping*
Every practitioner shall:
- Gather relevant personal information from the client, including any relevant medical information. If appropriate the client shall be advised to consult his or her GP and this shall be recorded.
- Maintain full client records, including details of all treatments and advice.
- Ensure the records are honest, accurate and factual.
- Practitioner shall not disclose to a third party any information about a client, including the identity of the client, either during or after the lifetime of the client, without the consent of the client or the client’s legal representative, unless it is required by due process of the law.
- Comply with the current Data Protection Act and current relevant legislation in regard to the storage of data. This includes registration and keeping client information secure and confidential unless otherwise required by law. Clients have rights of access to their health records in accordance with the requirements of the law.
- Keep their records safe for at least seven years from the time of the last consultation.
- Practitioners are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to ensure that any employee or agent adheres to confidentiality, and that any information relating to a client is protected from improper use when it is received, stored, transmitted or disposed of.
- Only pass on the client’s records to another practitioner where a client has agreed to or requested this, and to complete the transfer as quickly as possible.
- Appoint a suitable person to undertake the proper security/disposal of all records in the event of any serious incapacity or death of the Reiki practitioner.
*2.4. Treatment in Healthcare Establishments and in the Wider Community*
- The healthcare establishment is responsible for the safety of its patients/residents/clients. The practitioner shall comply with the rules of the establishment.
- The establishment shall be informed that a patient/resident wishes to receive Reiki.
- Reiki shall be carried out with minimal interruption to other patients/residents/ clients and staff.
- Practitioners shall not wear clothing, which gives the impression that they are a staff member (unless they are staff). They may have some form of identification such as a badge.
- All the above apply equally when the practitioner gives the Reiki in work places and all settings in which another carries overall responsibility.
*Section 3*
*3.1. Competence and Continuing Professional Development*
The practitioner shall:
- Practise self-treatment and receive Reiki from another, as part of continuing self-development.
- Extend their knowledge through the use of Reiki for self-healing and healing others.
- Regularly review and evaluate the Reiki that he or she gives to a client and take any reasonable steps to and advance their professional competence.
- Be aware of their own mental, emotional or physical health, and resolve any problems that may interfere with their ability to practice competently, and seek help as appropriate.
- Utilise mentoring, peer support or supervision services as necessary.
*3.2. Professional Boundaries*
The Reiki practitioner shall:
- Maintain the highest professional standard of relationships with clients and other healthcare professionals. Care, skill and integrity shall be demonstrated at all times.
- Work in a co-operative manner with healthcare professionals and practitioners, recognising and respecting their particular contribution.
- Not undermine a client’s faith in any form of treatment or regime and respect the client’s choices.
- Not encourage clients away from professional colleagues.
- Not exploit their clients financially, sexually, emotionally or in any other way. The Reiki practitioner will not undertake any form of sexual activity/relationship with a client in their care.
- State that Reiki does not require the removal of clothing.
- Not offer Reiki in place of conventional medical treatment.
- Never give a diagnosis of a medical condition to a client in any circumstances as part of the practice of Reiki.
- Never prescribe or sell remedies and health products as part of the practice of Reiki.
- Not countermand instructions or prescriptions given by a doctor. It must be left to the client to make his/her own decision in the light of medical advice. Reiki practitioners shall refer the client back to their medical advisor if the client asks them for any medical advice.
- A Reiki Practitioner should be aware of their own professional limitations and work only within their own scope of practice, referring clients elsewhere if /when the need arises.
*3.3. Potential Misrepresentation*
a. Practitioners shall not use titles or descriptions suggesting medical, academic or educational qualifications, unless they possess them. They must not mislead the client into believing that they are a medical doctor unless they are legally recognised as such within the country they are practising. Those possessing doctorates in other subjects whilst using the title of doctor must make clear that they are not medical doctors.
b. Reference to assistants as ‘Nurse', is not acceptable unless the individual concerned is registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and employed in the capacity of a nurse.
c. Claims, whether explicit or implied, verbally or in writing, implying cure of any named disease must be avoided.
*3.4. Advertising and Media*
- All advertising shall conform to the current law.
- Advertising shall be factual and not seek to mislead or deceive, or make unrealistic or extravagant claims. Advertising may indicate special interests but must not make claims of superiority or discredit any professional colleagues or Reiki.
- Advertising content and the way it is distributed shall not put prospective clients under pressure.
- No registered member may use his or her registration status in the commercial endorsement of any product, remedy or service other than Reiki.
*3.5. Premises*
The Practitioner shall:
- Comply with national and local legal regulations regarding premises and the safety of staff and client facilities.
- Review facilities and working practices on a regular basis to ensure they comply with current health and safety standards.
- Be aware of his or her responsibilities under Health and Safety legislation (Health & Safety Act 1974) whether employer, employee or self-employed.
*3.6. Insurance*
The Practitioner shall:
- Have a current insurance policy that states provision for public liability, professional indemnity and if relevant employee liability.
- If practising from their home, inform their household insurers, to ensure adequate cover for their clients.
*3.7. Research*
- Before starting any research, Practitioners must be familiar with and abide by current research ethics requirements, statutory obligations regarding research and research governance.
*3.8. Disclosure obligations*
a. The Practitioner shall immediately inform a regulator of any misconduct, lack of competence, drug, and child or fraud offences, pending legal actions or actual convictions. Decisions will be made in the light of the circumstances in each case.
*Section 4*
The Practitioner shall:
Comply with the criminal and civil law of the UK.
- Observe and keep up to date with all legislation and regulations.
*4.1. Obligations under the Criminal and Civil Law*
a. Working With a Minor
Seek a signature from a parent or a guardian of a child under the age of 16 on the following statement:
“I have been advised by.... (Reiki practitioner’s name) that according to law, I must consult a medical doctor concerning the health of my child... (Child’s name) ”
This statement should be signed and dated by both the parent/guardian and the practitioner and kept with the client’s records.
b. Suicide
It is not against the law for an individual to commit suicide or to attempt to commit suicide (Suicide Act 1961). However, the law states that anyone, either a professional or lay person can be charged with the offence of aiding and abetting a suicide in the following circumstances: If they actively assist a suicide. If they are aware of someone’s decision to attempt suicide and do not inform an appropriate professional, e.g. the general practitioner, hospital psychiatrist or approved social worker.
- Notifiable Diseases
Be aware of those diseases, which are notifiable under the current Public Health (Control of Disease and Infectious diseases) Act, and take appropriate action in these cases.
Please refer to the Department of Health. If a therapist is aware or has any concerns that their client may be suffering from a notifiable disease they can refuse treatment and strongly advise that the client sees a doctor, as it only a medical professional who is qualified to make such a diagnosis. They should also notify the Medical Officer of Health in their area.
d. Working with Animals
Seek assurance that a sick animal has been examined by a veterinary surgeon. The Veterinary Surgery Act of 1966 prohibits anyone other than a qualified veterinary surgeon from treating animals, including diagnosis. However, the healing of animals by contact healing, by the laying on of hands or distant healing is legal. In an emergency situation, a veterinary consultation is not required.
Be aware of those diseases, which are notifiable under the current Animal Health Act and take appropriate action in these cases. Please refer to DEFRA (Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). If a therapist is aware or has any concerns that the animal may be suffering from a notifiable disease, they should refuse face-to-face treatment.
*4.2. Disclosure*
Disclosure shall only be made to the appropriate authorities, if they are required by law or by order of a court, in the case:
- That there is a serious risk of suicide by an individual. It better to get the client’s consent to break confidentiality and to keep the information disclosed to the minimum. If however a practitioner cannot secure a client’s consent, the practitioner is still under legal obligation to seek other help and this should be explained to the client.
- If the practitioner is directed to disclose the information by any official having a legal power to order disclosure.
- That an individual intends to harm or abuse a child [or vulnerable adult – subject to checking by NC]. Where there is a legal obligation to inform the authorities, the parent or guardian does not need to be informed that you are doing this. The welfare of a child is always paramount.
- Of any terrorist activity.
- The practitioner is obliged to record in writing the reasons for any such disclosure.
N.B. Where the practitioner is working as part of a larger team, for example within an Institution or through a multidisciplinary or similar clinical approach, or where the client has been referred by a medical advisor or agency with conditions placed on the referral as to shared disclosure by the practitioner to the advisor or agency, then provided that it is clear that the client consents, confidential information may be shared by the practitioner with the team or referring advisor or agency.
Disciplinary Procedures for The Reiki Guild
These are available upon request. Mediation is the first step in all cases where a breach of these codes is brought to the attention of The Reiki Guild.