Reiki accesses various frequencies by using symbols, below is an article that examines the relationship between frequency and shape. Physicists such as Fritz-Albert Popp have taken photons emitted by DNA and used complex mathematics to work out the 3-D shape of its waveform to show how DNA uses the photons to tell a cell exactly how to divide and what shape to move to. Everything within the body from bones to heart has a frequency which can be measured. Many texts on Sacred Geometry use the term “crystallized music” when describing the deeper meaning behind the geometric constructions.(1 )Some go on to describe the mathematical links between two dimensional polygons and musical scales.(2) However, there is a more fundamental and often obscured truth which has been a golden thread running through the study of this discipline for many millennia. This is that certain constructions are precise descriptions of the three dimensional waveform of sound and indeed all vibrating energy. As the Hermetic wisdom says “He who understands the Principle of Vibration has grasped the sceptre of power”.(3) Consider the traditional example of a vibrating string. At certain frequencies a standing wave will be set up with parts of the string demonstrating the maximum degree of movement and other equally spaced points known as nodes, where there is no movement. The number of nodes will increase as the frequency rises, always with an equal spacing between them. This is essentially a one dimensional picture of sound, but was part of the methodology used by Pythagoras to define the Diatonic scale used in Western music. Moving into two dimensions other experiments can be performed using an oscilloscope, or a vibrating plate with sand grains. The same phenomenon occurs, except that the nodes arrange themselves into regular polyhedra such as an equilateral triangle, square, pentagon and so on. For a three dimensional picture, the experiments become more difficult. However, Buckminster Fuller and his students such as Hans Jenny(4) were able to recreate these waveforms using colloidal suspensions or dyes in liquids. Again, certain frequencies resulted in standing waves with visible and equally spaced nodes in three dimensions. The patterns formed by these waveforms were exact matches for the Platonic Solids5 with the vertices’ positions being defined by the nodes. The problem to be solved is that there are only five possible geometries, ie Octahedron, Star Tetrahedron, Cube,Dodecahedron and Icosahedron. For the Diatonic scale we obviously need seven shapes. The solution appears to have been resolved by combining Pythagorean wisdom with the Hindu scriptures.(6) All the Platonic solids fit exactly within a perfect sphere which is the shape of the fundamental frequency at the beginning of the octave. Its closest relation, the Icosahedron, actually appears twice, once as an inner version within the Octahedron and once as an outer version following the Dodecahedron.(1) Thus we have a complete octave of shapes to match the Diatonic scale. This short discussion has only addressed the shape of sound, but sound is simply physical vibration. Moving into the field of electromagnetic vibrations, we find exactly the same Diatonic scale in the seven colours of the visible spectrum, the frequencies of which are an exact number of doublings of those measured for an octave in the audible spectrum. The Hermetic wisdom states “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates” .3 If you can indeed accept that everything is nothing but vibrating energy in many disguises, then it is possible to see how the shape of sound is the key to understanding the hidden order in the Universe.>
table(table). ||C ’|D’|E’|F'|G’|A’|B’|C’’|| ||264hz|297hz|330hz|352hz|396hz|440hz|495hz|528hz||
The shapes of the diatonic scale An example of the Star Tetrahedron from one of Hans Jenny’s experiments 3D model showing the Platonic solids and their interrelationships Key references: 1 Lawlor, Robert (1982) Sacred Geometry, Philosophy and practice Thames and Hudson. The very best starting point for learning about Sacred Geometry 2 Hawkins, Gerald (1995) Noted for his identification of diatonic ratios in crop circles, many of which appear to be based on Sacred Geometrical constructions – see for example 3 Three Initiates (1908) The Kybalion, a study of the Hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt and Greece The Yogi Publications Society. One of the fundamental books on this subject dealing with seven of the main Hermetic principles. 4 Jenny, Hans (2001) Cymatics: A study of wave phenomena and vibration Macromedia Press. Recently republished, this was groundbreaking work on the structures of audible sound. 5 Platonic Solids. Just key this in to any search engine and you will find a plethora of sites providing every level of detail possible, including their forms in higher dimensions. 6 Wilcock, David (2003) You may need to suspend your disbelief with parts of this site, however Wilcock is a physicist with a gift for presenting a concise overview of difficult topics in an intelligible manner using understandable analogues

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