Insurance policy for Reiki and other Therapies
Our insurance scheme (via leading provider Balens Limited) is (20116/17) £31 for Reiki only (£4m cover, including legal expenses scheme) £44 for Reiki only (£6m cover) £52 for multi-therapy (£4m cover, including legal expenses scheme). Our scheme also offers £6m cover (£65)
Click for insurance form
There is also cover for students/friends and family only at £24. The scheme runs 1 July to 30 June and reduces in cost if you join later in the year.
send your completed insurance directly to Balens with your payment and make cheques payable to Balens (or you can ring to pay by card) to:
- Balens Limited, Bridge House,
Portland Road, Malvern, WR14 2TA
- Tel : 01684 580771 Fax: 01684 891361
Here is some more information on
Balens and the insurance they offer our members
H & L Balen.
Insurance is available on the scheme to residents of UK, Eire. Insurance can also be offered for Spain, Gibraltar, Greece, Malta, Cyprus and The Netherlands. Just ask.
For the purpose of insurance only, the Reiki Guild is an Introducer
Appointed Representative of Balens Limited, 2 Bridge House, Portland
Road, Malvern, WR14 2TA who are authorised and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority.